Friday, November 12, 2010

Aurelia by Anne Osterlund

Poisoned! The first pages tell of a poisoning and threat to the princess. The threats continue and the kingdom reaches out to a former spy for help. In lieu of the spy, his son returns to the palace to help sort out the danger that faces the royal family and Aurelia. Compounding the difficulty of his duties, he is forbidden from telling Aurelia the danger that she has been in and which continues. She continues to take risks that place her in further danger and makes Robert's job almost impossible. As the story unfolds it becomes clear to Robert that the culprit must be someone who has easy access to the princess, which only leaves the most powerful people and the most dangerous to rule out. A wonderful tale that led me looking for more stories from Ms. Osterlund!
(Did I mention that she is also a fellow Oregonian and a teacher?)
(Seriously, read her book Ms. Plumb!)

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